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Here you can always find out all the news about GEWATEC!

Energy management

GEWATEC Energiemanagement – Energieverbräuche erfassen und planen

GEWATEC Energiemanagement – Energieverbräuche erfassen und planen Das GEWATEC ProVis-Energie-Monitoring visualisiert die Energieverbräuche Ihrer Fertigungsressourcen. Über die ProVis-Sensoren werden die Verbräuche direkt an den Leitstand gemeldet. Die Verbrauchswerte werden analog zu den Prozessdaten archiviert und visualisiert.Die so erfassten Energieverbräuche lassen sich später den Maschinen, Schichten, Werkzeugen, Materialien und Artikeln zuweisen.

Bundestagsabgeordnete zu Besuch

Bundestagsabgeordnete Maria-Lena Weiss zu Besuch bei GEWATEC

Bundestagsabgeordnete Maria-Lena Weiss bei GEWATEC zu Besuch Am Donnerstag, den 11. Juli durften wir die Bundestagsabgeordnete Maria-Lena Weiss bei uns im Hause begrüßen. Neben Frau Weiss und ihrem Team waren auch Bürgermeister Gerhard Reichegger, CDU-Gemeinderäte sowie weitere Mitglieder des CDU-Ortsverbandes Wehingen anwesend. Der Besuch begann mit einer kurzen Begrüßung und

Messebild CONTROL 2024

CONTROL 2024 Review

Review zur CONTROL 2024 Die CONTROL 2024 fand dieses Jahr vom 23. bis 26. April statt. Insgesamt war die Messe für uns sehr erfolgreich, auch wenn sie sich diesmal nur über zwei Hallen erstreckte. Mit unserem Mix aus Vertriebsmitarbeitern und verschiedenen Produktspezialisten konnten wir alle Interessensgebiete der Besucher abdecken. Neben

Bild Kundentag 2024

Kundentag 2024 Review

Review zum GEWATEC Kundentag 2024 Am 14.03.2024 war es endlich so weit und wir konnten unsere Kunden zum GEWATEC Kundentag 2024 begrüßen. Ab 10:00 Uhr startete die Veranstaltung mit der Begrüßung durch Benjamin Walz und Christian Fritz. Danach übernahmen Geschäftsführer Dr. Reinhold Walz mit einem Vortrag über die Produktion von

Control fair

Control 2023- Review

On May 9, the CONTROL quality assurance trade fair began in Stuttgart and we were on-site for our visitors over the 4-day duration of the trade fair. The staff at the booth consisted of part of our sales team and a rotating group of CAQ consultants. So, from ERP and MES to CAQ systems, all of the

DST trade fair image

DST 2023- Review

From March 29 to 31, the Turning and Chipmaking Days took place in Schwenningen. We were also represented among the numerous exhibitors. At a very well-attended trade fair overall, we were able to achieve our goals of generating new contacts and maintaining existing contacts very well. Thus, there were numerous interested new contacts,

Celebrating people

Fasnet 2023 at GEWATEC

Narri-Narro! After the Corona years, we were finally able to welcome the Wehingen fools back on Schmotzigen Donnerstag! As usual for a Heuberger-Fasnet, it was a lively celebration with music, food and party atmosphere. At around 11 am, the Fools and Music Association began their traditional parade. Afterwards, all those present were allowed to enjoy

AMB booth

AMB 2022- Review

This year we finally had the opportunity to be an exhibitor at AMB again! The international trade fair for the metalworking industry took place in Stuttgart from 13 to 17 September 2022 and attracted numerous visitors. During five full days of the trade fair, we had many opportunities to meet new interested parties and to build up existing

Several products

ProVis Energy Management - Now available!

With the ProVis energy management from GEWATEC you keep track of the resources and energy consumption in your production! Learn now how ProVis.NT and our sensors help you to optimally position your company with regard to energy. For more information, please visit our ProVis Energy Management page.

Intertool trade fair image

Intertool 2022- Review

Directly after Control, we were also present at the Intertool in Wels, from May 10 to 13. Together with the team from Helmer Werkzeugmaschinen, we were able to present our products here as well as provide first-hand insights into working with the products. Therefore

Control booth

Control 2022- Review

From May 3 to 6, we were on site this year at the Control quality assurance trade fair in Stuttgart. It was a pleasure for us to be among the numerous exhibitors again this year. At our booth we could welcome new as well as old familiar faces. At the

Youth work soccer team Gosheim

GEWATEC supports youth work

GEWATEC has equipped the A-Juniors of the SGM Gosheim-Wehingen with new polo shirts for a uniform team appearance in the Landesstaffel. GEWATEC wishes the team good luck in the fight to stay in the league!

Fakuma trade fair stand

Review Fakuma and DST

After the conditions did not allow any fairs for a long time, we were allowed to present ourselves to a wide audience twice in October. We would like to thank all visitors to our stand and look forward to seeing you again at the next trade fairs!

GEWATEC complete solution in Chinese

GEWATEC complete solution now also in China!

The GEWATEC complete solution now also runs in China. Production planning and control (PPC), machine and production data acquisition (MDE/BDE) and quality management (CAQ), all in Chinese. Due to the Corona pandemic, the installation was carried out completely online. Further installations are to follow.

GDD banner

GEWATEC Digital Days 2021!

The Corona pandemic is forcing us to look for new channels of communication. On Feb. 3 and 4, 2021, customers and interested parties were therefore able to find out about new products at our GEWATEC Digital Days. The event focused on the topic "Digitalization of Production". Over 500 participants were online! Many thanks to all

Review FAKUMA and DST

After the conditions did not allow any trade fairs for a long time, we were able to present ourselves to a wide audience twice in October. We would like to thank all visitors to our stand and look forward to seeing you again at the next trade fairs!
Here you can find out more!

May 2021: GEWATEC complete solution now also in China!

The GEWATEC complete solution now also runs in China. Production planning and control (PPC), machine and production data acquisition (MDE/BDE) and quality management (CAQ), all in Chinese. Due to the Corona pandemic, the installation was carried out completely online. Further installations are to follow.

Feb. 2021: GEWATEC Digital Days 2021: Over 500 participants online!

Die Corona-Pandemie zwingt uns neue Kommunikationskanäle zu suchen.  Am 3. und 4. Feb. 2021 konnten sich Kunden und Interessenten über neue Produkte informieren. Im Fokus der Veranstaltung standen das Thema „Digitalisierung der Produktion'“  mit neuen .NET-basierten Produkten. Über 500 Teilnehmer waren online! Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer.

April 2020: GEWATEC Academy online!

Even in the current situation, our daily endeavor is to design our processes according to your needs and adapt them to the current situation. Our new eLearning offers in our virtual academy provide a good opportunity for this.

Here you will find our online academy offers from April to June 2020.

April 2020: Update 4.35 available!

The new version offers many new highlights, such as our expanded GEWATEC Mobile APP. The new update version 4.35 can be requested by GEWATEC customers under following Link and we will contact you as soon as possible. For more information about the highlights of the version and the update, please feel free to contact your local GEWATEC representative. Contact.

March 2020: Focus on securing productivity!

We stay online and focus on your specific hot topics. Such as What's the status of my machine utilization? You can find more information on: Currently in focus.

For your personal online presentation, please contact your responsible Contact.

GTT2020 Cancellation

March 2020: GTT cancelled due to developments in "SARS-CoV-2".

We regret to inform you that the GEWATEC Technology Days scheduled for the period from 25.06 to 27.06 2020 cannot be held this year.

More info

December 2019: Managing Director Dr. Reinhold Walz interviewed on Regio TV

The topic: 5G - what the new mobile communications standard brings to the economy. At the Erwin Teufel Vocational School in Spaichingen, a system has now been installed in which the machines, robots and computer systems are networked with each other. In this web factory with current, marketable machines and tools, individual parts are manufactured fully automatically with a batch size of one via an online order. The prerequisite for networking machines and processes is sufficient transmission capacity. The new 5G mobile communications standard offers completely new possibilities. Click here for the video!

November 2019: Opening of the Industrie 4.0 learning factory

In recent months, we have set up the Industry 4.0 learning factory at the Erwin Teufel School in Spaichingen in cooperation with the companies AutRob, Hermle and STAR. At the opening on November 19, we then gave a live presentation of what the students at the Erwin-Teufel School will experience and learn in the learning factory in the future.

FMI User Meeting

October 2019: FMI User Meeting

We had invited our customers from the FMI association to the user meeting. The aim of the day was the exchange between the users and GEWATEC. We would like to thank all participants for the goal-oriented discussions and the successful day!

September 2019: GEWATEC Mobile APP

New is the video of the GEWATEC Mobile APP . The app is an effective product that offers the possibility to quickly and easily map certain functionalities, regardless of location. The mobile solution offers the most important GEWATEC functions in a compact and optimized form, such as the quick complaint, the inventory or the machine overview. Click here for the video!

Soapbox race

September 2019: Soapbox race in Gosheim

We had an exciting day at the soapbox race in Gosheim. We were again at the start with our equipment and our trainee team. It was a great race in a successful atmosphere.
We would like to thank all helpers for the successful and beautiful day!

AI Artificial Intelligence

July 2019: News in the field of artificial intelligence

We had the pleasure to welcome Prof. Dr. Sebastian Dörn from the University Campus Tuttlingen with a lecture on AI in our new premises. This was also a great opportunity for colleagues not involved in development to gain an insight into this very complex topic.

Mountain excursion
July 2019: Off to the mountains

On a hot July weekend, all hiking enthusiasts of the GEWATEC team went to Tyrol. The destination of the hike was the Glungezerhütte. From there, at an altitude of over 2600 meters, a fantastic view could be enjoyed.

New training rooms
June 2019: Move into the new academy premises

We were able to move into our new academy premises and are now pleased with modern premises, with new equipment and barrier-free access through our elevator. The premises were inaugurated by the lectures for the Colleges Albstadt-Sigamringen and Furtwangen.


May 2019: GEWATEC at the Control trade fair

From May 7 to 10, you can meet us at Control in Stuttgart in Hall 4, Booth 4104. The focus will be on our quality management system. With our CAQ modules, we stand for holistic product and process optimization. The modules range from APQP to FMEA to complaint management. We are looking forward to your visit.

Turning and chip days exhibition stand

April 2019: GEWATEC at the Turning and Chip Days Southwest

At the Turning and Machining Days, we impressed visitors with the Industry 4.0 special show featuring the companies AutRob, Otto Bitzer, Citizen, Drehertec, Star and Tool Cloud. Regio TV also reported on the special show with the title " Digitalization is in focus at the Turning and Metal Cutting Days".


Feb. 2019: GEWATEC at Turning Days

Auf den Turning Days präsentierten wir die industrie area mit den Firmen Drehertec, Mayer Maschinen und tool cloud. Mit zahlreichen Vorträgen präsentierten wir das Thema Industrie 4.0. Wie auch das Magazin „fertigung“ hier berichtet.

New construction

Nov. 2018: News from the GEWATEC extension: The roof is on!
As a result of the continuous growth of the last years, the space in our main plant in Wehingen is getting scarce. For this reason, we are extending our north wing by one floor. The first steps are already behind us!
New conference rooms, offices and even a bistro with outdoor seating are to be created on the almost 400 square meters!

Soapbox race

Oct. 2018: GEWATEC at the soapbox race

This year the Gosheim soapbox race took place for the 12th time. We were there again with our technology for timing and evaluation. In addition, our trainees also started with our soapbox in the company cup and in the individual evaluation. It was a great race in a successful atmosphere.

Active together

Oct. 2018: getting active together

Auch wir beteiligen uns dabei die Zukunft der Wirtschaftsregion Heuberg – Donautal zu sichern. Unser Geschäftsführer Dr. Reinhold Walz war bei der Podiumsdiskussionmit dem Thema „Studienlösung zur Zukunftssicherung der Wirtschaftsregion“ mit dabei. Ziel der veranstaltung war es zu thematisieren, wie die Region den Anschluss an die Zukunft nicht verpasst. Die Region wird auch noch in Zukunft Fachkräfte brauchen, deshalb will man vor allem im Bereich der Bildung investieren.

Fossilius Run

Sept. 2018: Fossilius run

Our running team was one of the biggest teams at the Fossiliuslauf. More info about the results and the event can be found here

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