The 4th Industrial Revolution has long since begun at GEWATEC. All products, from the machine terminal to production planning control and quality management, all modules are ready for the future!
The goal of implementing an intelligent factory (Smart Factory) based on the Industry 4.0 template can also be achieved in medium-sized manufacturing companies. The central role for medium-sized companies here is the comprehensive integration of machine, software and supply chain. Integration here means the complete networking of the computer system with machines, controls, test equipment, storage systems, building services, as well as the installation of suitable sensors for recording quality and process data and actuators for controlling machines and systems. The online connection to customers, suppliers and business partners is also an important part of Industrie 4.0.
The GEWATEC software solution with the modules PPS, MDE/BDE/PZE, CAQ and the matching industrial PCs already fulfill all requirements. This is therefore also feasible for the medium-sized precision parts manufacturer and medical technology company.